If you pay using PayPal, by default, your payment is a one-time payment and will not be taken automatically every month.
* Please sign in at
* Once signed in, you should see list of "Due Invoices" at the bottom.
* Click on "view invoice" and you will see a full page invoice.
* In the top right, click Pay Now with PayPal.
You will be directed to to supply the funds, but this information will NOT be saved for future payments.
Paypal Subscription
This is how you can tell PayPal to make your payments automatically. Please understand that YardVPS will not be in control over the amount of money you send or when PayPal sends it. If you want the automatic payments to stop, you must cancel the Paypal Subscription.
Please do not subscribe when your payment is late; this will cause all of your payments to be late. Instead, pay one-time and wait until the next invoice to setup the subscription (on time).
* Please sign in at
* Once signed in, you should see list of "Due Invoices" at the bottom.
* Click on "view invoice" and you will see a full page invoice.
* In the top right, click the "PayPal Subscribe" button.
You are not able to subscribe unless there is an open invoice.
Past Due Invoices
We allow you five days to pay any past due invoices. If an invoice is not paid within five days after we create it, your account will be suspended and a 3% late fee will be added. You will have an additional two days to pay all open invoices before your account may be terminated.
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